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AdmiX Hair Styling
我們的客戶是一家位於香港中環的甲級髮型屋,我們為他們重新設計了企業商標。我們選用了墨綠色與純黑色的主色調,再搭配具有襯線的字體 (帶有腳字),藉此展現出企業的專業形象與古典莊重的特質,同時也不失時尚感。這樣的設計融合了古今之美,體現了髮型師敬業的態度以及對創新時尚的不斷追求。
Our client is a premium hair salon located in Central, Hong Kong. We were tasked with redesigning their corporate logo. We chose a color scheme of dark green and pure black, complemented by a serif font with feet, to convey the salon's professionalism and classical refinement while maintaining a modern and fashionable appearance. The design blends the beauty of the past and present, embodying the hairstylist's dedication to their craft and pursuit of innovative fashion.
- 品牌概念構思 Branding Design
- 商標 Logo Design
- 咭片設計 Business Card Design
project time: 2019
client: AdmiX Hair Styling
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