iSee Logo Design
我們的客戶是一家主要從事生產塑膠產品和銷售注塑機器的企業。我們為該客戶旗下的注塑機器手機程式設計了商標。透過使用該程式,使用者可以輕鬆遠程掌握生產過程的資訊並進行遙距控制。因此,我們的整體設計採用了圖像化的 "雲端"技術,並將其融入整個字標設計 Logotype 中。此外,我們特別選用了一種圓潤的字體風格,希望這樣的設計能夠讓使用者在使用時感受到更加輕鬆、親切的氛圍,遠離沉悶的機械感。
Our client is a company that specializes in producing plastic products and selling injection molding machines. We designed a logo for their injection molding machine mobile app that allows users to remotely access production information and control processes. To create a more user-friendly experience, we incorporated cloud-based technology into the design and integrated it into the logo. We also chose a rounded font style to make the overall feel more relaxed and approachable, steering clear of the typical mechanical and dull look often associated with this industry.
- 產品商標設計 Product Logo Design
project time: 2019
client: Welltec